Millfest 09
A huge thank you to all those who got involved, attended, spent money or just put up with the racket we made. With bands to brick a brack, burgers to beer, face painting to Ferrari rides, flowers, sweets, cakes and tarot cards all of which combined to generate £1942.50 for the Kingston based Momentum, children’s cancer charity. The amount raised was up on last year despite higher overheads which included the portaloo, tent hire, banners and public liability insurance.
This is the thankyou letter from momentum
For photos check out the Millfest09 link on the left.
Millfest returns this September 5th. It will be held on Mill Street Green and is set up to raise money for Kingston based Momentum children’s charity
Momentum is a registered charity established in 2004 which aims to help children and the families of children undergoing treatment for cancer in Surrey. Momentum was set up by parents who have first hand experience of these life-changing events, with the simple goal of trying to help others in similar circumstances.