Dear friends and neighbours
Please find to the left the minutes of the MSRA 2016 AGM, which was held on 17 Feb in the parish hall.
Thanks to everyone who was able to attend and contribute to the meeting.
Thanks also to those who paid their subs for 2016 on the night. The annual subs are £5 per adult and go towards marking births, deaths and marriages, welcoming new neighbours, printing costs and general expenses incurred to make the street a better place. Subs can be delivered to Tessa, Kathy or Annette.
Diary dates were also circulated and included:
5 March — Clean for the Queen street tidy * MORE DETAILS TO FOLLOW *
21 May — Mill Street Sale, 10am-2pm
21 June — Scented Lady Garden (yes, you read that right!)
16 July — 3rd Beer and Sausage Festival on the green
Kind regards, Annette